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  • focusfitshaun


3 WEEKS TODAY - 24HOURS OF BOXING - donation link is below:

in 3 weeks, Shaun the head coach for Focus Fit will be doing 24hours of boxing coaching to raise money for @pancreaticcanuk

I'm doing it in memory of my lovely mum, it would have been the weekend of her 60th birthday.

I genuinely can't describe or begin to try and explain how much I / we miss her. However, her 60th birthday should be a celebration, so I'm celebrating her life by raising money.

Classes will run on the hour from 12pm on 25th March, until 12pm on 26th March.

All I ask is for a minimum donation of £5 if you're attending. However, if you can't attend and would like to donate, that's also cool and would be amazing!!

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